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Sarrah Sinead March 2003 - with honeycomb

05 March 2003: Sarrah Sinead, 7 years, holds a comb of honey for a souvenir photo. Photo by Rene Quinquito
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There are several ways to accomplish the anaerobic decompostion process using reecycled plastic digesters. This is burnt rice hulls. Chicken manure is a complete source of minerals and trace elemets for organic farming.
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It is topped with inoculated burnt rice hull to the brim and sealed for 2 weeks up to a month The blend should have decomposed in a month's time. BIODEN is used as a bio-catalyst to facilitate the decompostion process and prevent build-up of   pathogens
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Rice straw being prepared for anaerobic decomposition in recycled plastic containers, bio-digester. Biodigesters, more than a month old. Drained but still sealed before use.
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Burnt rice hull and straws must be mixed together with some manure. Proper C:N ration should be observed. The mixture must be compacted to minimize air pockets.
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Another experiment in anaerobic decompostion with only rice straw and spray of BIODEN bio-catalyst. Each half-inch layer is sprayed with the inoculant
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Until it is filled to the brim. A faster way to accomplish this is to dip rice straw in a pickling dip, photo below. In about a month's time the pickle is ready, compacted bunch of rice straw pickle.
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BIODEN pickling dip. A bio-catalalyst that facilitates the anaerobic decomposition process. Chicken manure, rice bran and rice straw mixture with BIODEN bio-cataluyst. Prepared before being sealed and hooked-up with other digesters for maturity.
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Battery of bio-digester. Matured compost. Biodigester tanks are interconnected with pipes to drain the leachate. This fluid is also used as liquid fertilizer. It is drained-off from the tanks
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Chinese cabbage or pechay with digester technology. The secret is synergism, there is no heat released in anaerobic decomposition. Energy is not lost, it is maintained.
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Young mustard harvest. If allowed to grow for 27-30 days, leafy vegetables grow to be bigger and mistaken by consumers to be rough and old. It is very difficult to convince farmers to utililize this type of sustainable technology, the decompostion of rice straws directly on the field. Money is lost when rice straws are burned. 90% of capital inputs or investments are inside agricultural wastes.
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Large leaf mustard, results from the tests that we conducted in anaerobic and aerobic decompostion utilizing a bio-catalyst. BIODEN Daughter Sarrah, now 12-years old, pose for a souvenir photo with her papaya tree. Seedlings that she planted on top a digester bin.
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Rene Quinquito
Anchorman - Radyo Aralan 87.9FM Bulacan
Founder - STAG Movement
CellPhone Number (+63918) 356-3831

Rene Icasiano-Quinquito WebDersign            Update: 08/27/2007