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Sarrah Sinead March 2003 - with honeycomb

05 March 2003: Sarrah Sinead, 7 years, holds a comb of honey for a souvenir photo. Photo by Rene Quinquito

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Hydroponic troughs Troughs are wrapped outside with aluminum foil to repel heat and keep the liquid solution cool

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Top view of plastic cups. Burnt rice hull are used as root anchors Chinese celery roots extend outside plastic cups gorging itself with nutrient rich liquid solution

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Pechay Cups showing celery roots

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Close-up of cup, roots and flowing liquid nutrient solution. We are not using any pesticides or fungicides in this project.

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Lettuce produced from our hydroponics project.

Rene Icasiano-Quinquito WebDersign            Update: 08/27/2007